Month: December 2020

Open Applications for UNICEF Startup Lab 2021

UNICEF and its partners, including MeltWater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST) and HOPin Academy, are excited to welcome twenty young startups into the second cohort of the UNICEF Startup Lab beginning February 2021. This six-month program will accelerate startups with innovative, open-source, and market-driven solutions addressing complex problems that impact children and young people in […]

PAPERLESS ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM (PAS): Creating a Reliable System for Storing and Retrieving Information in Ghana

Ghana Tech Lab in partnership with HOPin Academy organized a six-week intensive training on web development. Mumuni Rahama Mbanba and Ibrahim Rahima were fortunate to go through this training to become full-stack web developers. With the skills they acquired through this training, they decided to solve a problem in their community by harnessing technology. In […]

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