The Northern Social Enterprises for Development (NSEfD) project successfully equipped 160 young entrepreneurs, particularly women, with business skills and a platform to advocate for improved business policies.

Climate Smart Social Entrepreneurship Program

We are thrilled to launch the Grow Northern Ghana project. This project is in cooperation with GIZ and supported by The State Chancellery of North Rhine Westphalia. 

The goal of this project is to create more investment opportunities and increase visibility and networking amongst startups and SMEs in Ghana which will contribute to a more vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem in Northern Ghana and promote economic growth.


Project Goal 1

Strengthening the network.

The strengthening of the network will seek to empower 300 SMEs which comprises 140 new SMEs in Northern Ghana to be aware of their social rights, express successes and challenges related to their enterprises and create awareness in climate change policies by 2026

Project Goal 2

Climate Smart Entrepreneurship and Sustainability.

To empower 300 SMEs in NSEN in Northern Ghana to employ climate resilient concepts in their business operations and promote environmental and social responsibility that results in sustainability of businesses by 2026.

Project Goal 3

Climate Change Ambassadors.

By the end of 2026, 20 climate change ambassadors will be educated and supported to champion positive climate change practices in 10 communities in the region.


Climate change poses an existential threat to our planet, impacting every facet of our lives. In the dry landscapes of Northern Ghana, this threat is acutely felt, with rising temperatures, and prolonged droughts. Its Impact has far-reaching repercussions for businesses mostly directly in the agriculture value chain, and the local population’s overall life. Recognizing the importance of addressing climate change, this intervention aims to build on the already existing network of SMEs (NSEN), firstly to increase the membership of the network, continue the capacity building workshops, and increase policy advocacy activities. The purpose of this is to strengthen the existing network and for SMEs to continue improving their offerings to their customers.

This proposed intervention will also aim at empowering the SMEs in the network to revise their current products/services and processes to actively introduce climate smart activities in their business operations. The Northern Social Enterprise Network (NSEN) will play a vital role in the region as front runners of Climate change in the region. This intervention is intended to serve the purpose of mitigating the consequences of climate change faced by SMEs and also being adaptive to climate change by empowering them to actively integrate climate-smart activities in their business operations. climate-smart here combines business development with environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation.


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